About custom-guitar-straps.net

What is custom-guitar-straps.net all about?

custom-guitar-straps.net provides online reviews & info about all the finest quality custom guitar straps available.

Our recommendations are unbiased because we don’t work for any guitar strap companies.

The only guitar straps you will find displayed on custom-guitar-straps.net are those that we have reviewed, gathered info on, tested, or scrutinized on your behalf to help you, the customer, make informed choices when purchasing high quality guitar straps.

Most guitar strap websites just want to sell, sell, sell. They’re interested in one thing, getting your money.

At custom-guitar-straps.net, we don’t mind if you don’t spend a cent.

Our purpose is to give you information, and show you what’s available in the high quality guitar strap market. That’s right, high quality. We only allow the finest high quality straps available to be listed on our website. So if you’re after cheap and nasty guitar straps that will fall apart in a months time, you’ve come to the wrong place.

Custom-guitar-straps.net features only the best custom guitar straps in the world.

If you do decide you want to buy something you like on our site:
Any of the guitar straps featured on custom-guitar-straps.net can be purchased by clicking on the appropriate amazon links.

Our readers use amazon, because in the online world, trust is everything!

Thank you for checking out our website.
If you want to drop us a line, or maybe
suggest a guitar strap that you think we
should list on the site:
Email us

Thanks again, & happy guitar strap hunting 🙂

PS, amazon images, pricing, & information may change from time to time on this website.
Custom-guitar-straps.net is also updated from time to time to reflect these changes. If you notice any error or outdated info, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to continuing our service to you and thank you for your continued support.